Ancestors of Wendy/Bubba's Children * Joahua, Marcus, Traci, Isaac, Jordan


12878. Robert Blood

AFN: 24V1-PR
information from the IGI film F600135

12879. Elizabeth Willard

AFN: 24V1-QX
information from the IGI film 7728417

12884. Thomas Nelson

Temple data from the Temple Ready program

12885. Dorothy Stapilton

Temple data from the IGI

12886. John Lowell

Temple data from the IGI

12887. Elizabeth Goodale

Temple data from the IGI

12888. John Spofford

This individual has the following other parents in the Ancestral File:
John (1) /SPOFFORTH/ (AFN:8L6B-TS) and Lady /SPOFFORD/ (AFN:92CV-R4)
Spofford /JOHN/ (AFN:9XWW-N6) and Mrs John /SPOFFORD/ (AFN:9XWW-PC)

12889. Elizabeth Scott

This individual has the following other parents in the Ancestral File:
Thomas /SCOTT/ (AFN:2JZ1-3S) and E /GIVEN NAME/ (AFN:8L6B-XB)
Thomas /SCOTT\SKOTT/ (AFN:953N-XJ) and Elizabeth // (AFN:953N-ZP)
Thomas /SCOTT/ (AFN:8XPP-08) and Elizabeth /STRUTT/ (AFN:8XPR-B8)
AFN: 229M-99
!Sealing data from the Temple Ready program

12890. David Wheeler

Temple data from the IGI.
Sealed to parents from the IGI.

12891. Sarah Wise

Temple data from the IGI

12892. Michael Hopkinson

AFN: 23S1-M5
!Temple data from the IGI

12893. Ann Gott


12894. John Pearson

Temple data from the Temple Ready program

12899. Elizabeth Emerson

Temple data from the IGI

12900. John (abbye) Abbe

Temple work done by wendell Eyring family

12901. Mary Loring

Temple work done by the Wendell Eyring family

12904. Benjamin Spaulding

Temple data from the IGI
Marriage date and place from the IGI to Mrs. Grace Cook

12906. Palatiah Adams

Temple data from the IGI
Marriage place from the IGI

12907. Ruth Parker

Temple data from the IGI

12908. George Woodward

information from thr IGI film F518750

12909. Mrs Mary Woodward

AFN: 4W1T-0J
information from the IGI film F848133

12910. Richard Dana

Marriage date and place from the IGI
Temple data from the IGI

12911. Ann Bullard

Birth place and Temple data from the IGI

12912. James Cutler

Marriage date and place from the IGI to Phoebe Page
Temple data from the IGI

12914. John Moore

Information from Charles Rogers
Marriage date and place and sealing from the IGI

12915. Elizabeth Whale

Information from Charles Rogers
Temple data from the IGI