Ancestors of Wendy/Bubba's Children * Joahua, Marcus, Traci, Isaac, Jordan


13194380. Piers Tempest

Marriage date and place from the IGI
Birth place from the IGI

13194382. Richard Sherburne

Marriage date and place from the IGI

13194384. John Constable Sir

from the records of Don L Peterson
!Marriage data from the IGI

13194385. Maud Hilton

from the records of Don L Peterson

13194386. Thomas Metham

from the records of Don L Peterson

13194388. Thomas De Umfreville

Marriage information from the IGI

13194440. John Tempest

Marriage information from the IGI

13194441. Catherine Sherborne

Birth place from the IGI

13194448. Geoffrey Pigot

Marriage information from the IGI

13194456. Robert Plumpton

Marriage data from the IGI

13194458. John Gisburn

Marriage data from the IGI

13194459. Ellen

Birth date and place from the IGI

13194460. Godfrey Foljambe

Marriage data from the IGI

13194462. Simon Leeke

Birth date and place from the IGI

13194496. Robert Constable

Yorkshire- E. R. Pefigree #7 (Yorks 2 DC)

13194500. William Gascoigne

Marriage data from the iGI

13194502. Alexander Mowbray

Marriage data from the IGI